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Please consider donating to our mission. Donations of $100 or more receive an exclusive gift of note cards* featuring stunning photos taken at Gratiot Lake! All donations go towards funding Gratiot Lake Conservancy, GLC programs, education, and land acquisition and stewardship. Your contribution is tax deductible.

Fill in form below and press "Pay" for donation with credit card.

 *Please let us know if you prefer not to receive the gift.

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*First name
*Last name
*Summer Address
*Winter Address
Membership renewal date
*Amount ($USD)
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*Are you a GLC member?
Is the donation in memory or in honor of someone?
Indicate if you would like $15 of donation to be recorded as a GLC membership
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If you prefer to mail in a check, CLICK HERE  to download our membership/ donation form and send to:

Gratiot Lake Conservancy

P.O.Box 310

Mohawk, MI 49950

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